Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 8

Welcome, welcome.

I'm going to open this post with a sentimental reflection of everything I've done in my project so far, so please bear with me. It has been incredibly difficult. As an artist, it's very frustrating to have a deadline and to struggle with getting everything done by that deadline. I have some very good photos and very cooperative subjects, and I also have 3 times as many bad photos and 2 times as many uncooperative subjects. I have had to change subjects multiple times in order to have the variety that I do. With that being said, I have decided to only focus on 2 or 3 different subjects and "religions" in order to complete the project. What may those 2 or 3 subjects be, you might ask, and the answer is that I have not a single clue. Yet.

I had family come in from Texas this week so there have been many schedule conflicts preventing me from getting some time in with Jonathan and Rick. But do not fear! I have been getting some of those religious and tae kwon do shots (may they be very few, but it's better than nothing. I think I'm having some sort of artistic block from all the stress I've been experiencing).

There's nothing new to report other than that, so I'm afraid I have to cut this post short.

By April 11th, I should have all photographs completed. From there, I will start shaping my visual story with the help of Mr. McDonald and Mrs. Napier. I will probably have to write a mini paper along with it too, just for formality reasons and also because I won't be able to explain everything in full detail in my 20 minute presentation.

Ta ta for now!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 7

Spring Break. It didn't really feel like Spring Break for me since I still went to work, but it did give me a chance to take a breather and kind of map out what I need to get done over the next week or two. It's mostly photography. I've said this in my last blog post, but I'll say it again just to keep on top of it: I've aimed to photograph more filler photos of up close and detailed "religious" (I will quote the term now since I've chosen to use a deconstructed definition of the word) symbolism, more church related photos, taekwondo photos and San Xavier Mission photos.

At the Daily Star I showed Rick some photos I've gathered for my final product and he gave me some great feedback. He said that if I were going to be photographing multiple subjects and different "religions" that I should add a filler photo in the beginning of each set of photographs as sort of an introduction. Another thing is that I should photograph the process of how my subject relates to his/her "religion." For example, if I take pictures of Luke at youth group, I should try and get shots of him interacting with others and doing specifically religious things like being in a prayer circle etc.

This pretty much sums up the week.

Oh! Jonathan has contacted me and next week we will be continuing work and coming up with stuff for me to do for my project.

Yeah. So until then!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 6

Hola! This week went by so fast that I didn't realize it was already Tuesday and I hadn't made a post for last week. But that's alright because to be quite honest, there was no work and nothing new has come up to report. However, I went on Thursday to the UofA library to do some research on the religious philosophies of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and I had found the PERFECT book. Unfortunately, the section the book was located in was having technical issues with the book aisles so I could not access it (or any of the other books of religion that I wanted in that section). Huge bummer.

On Friday I met with Mr. McDonald and Mrs. Napier (or as I will probably always call her, Ms. Stuart) and we had a very successful meeting. My photography is at the top of its game and it can only go up from here. Also, we've ruled that my objective right now with my SRP photos is just to go out and get as many photos as I can and we'll worry about cutting it down and making it work later. I'm instructed to take more church-specific photos and I'm also going to take pictures of my taekwondo classmate and his dedication to the sport (we're starting to play around with the idea of the word religion and what it means to be religious. I've asked my classmate if he was religious and he said to me in all seriousness, "Taekwondo IS my religion.")

One of the many problems I'm facing with the photography is the fact that my classmate will not be present in two weeks and I will not be able to photograph him. Also since we both are preparing for a very important test coming up, it is difficult for me to step away from that and take photographs for my project. Both are very important to me and I don't know just yet what I'm going to sacrifice - an extra day of much needed training or an opportunity for photography.

I'm really nervous and excited for the future of my project, but all seems to be very interesting.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Week 5

Hey everyone. This week I've caught up on some well needed rest and it feels really good to refresh my mind and dive into my project again. I've noticed that the less I have to do, the less I know how to structure my blog post so I'm just going model this one how my subconscious functions: randomly (I do this also to boost my creativity so I can translate it into my artwork). 

Jonathan should be coming back from his conference next week so I should have more information and pictures about the ostrich farm hopefully next week or the week after.

I also aim to find some books and sources about the philosophy of religion in the near future. I want to look at philosophers' theories about religion and use the knowledge I learn to incorporate it into the paper I'm going to write about my photo essay. So, to be clear, I will be producing a photo essay and also a paper explaining in words what's going on and the theories and ideas behind the photos. This is the time where I also give a shout out to Ms. Connolly for inspiring this idea (if you're reading this, thank you). Taking her Critical and Literary Theory class was unbelievably satisfying because I have learned to take in multiple perspectives and question EVERYTHING from linguistics to abstract ideas. I wrote a final paper for her class doing exactly what I've mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph and I earned a top score, so I hope I'm able to accomplish the same thing for my SRP.

On Sunday I went to youth group, as usual. Nothing new to report.

On Thursday, I FINALLY met Mr. Rick Wiley, Head of Photography at the Daily Star. He allowed me to sit in on a meeting to determine which stories were going to make it into Friday's paper. The meeting room was exactly like you'd see in the movies, beige and brown walls with a giant oval table in the middle of it. There were 3 main stories mentioned and those were about an increase in UofA tuition, the extension of hours for the street car downtown and the death of a 3 year old boy. The conversation about the tuition increase was pretty self evident as to why it should be included in the paper. The street car has extended its hours of operation to the UofA students because of all the partying that's done Thursday-Sunday. Also, the street car story included a picture with it. The 3 year old boy story came with photos as well but almost didn't make the paper because some of the editors weren't really buying the stories of the people involved. The editors determined which story to use as the center story by looking at which photo was stronger. The one with the 3 year old had a very emotional picture of the grandmother crying with 2 other women. The one with the street car had a street car making a stop at the World of Beer downtown. They said that because there's really only one way to shoot a street car, it wasn't as interesting of a sight, so they went with the 3 year old as the center story because the emotion in the image were so strong.

So just in case you were starting to lose interest in my project, photography DOES matter because the strength of the subject matter and composition can be the difference between a front page story and not a front page story. Photos are like an advertisement. If your photos are weak, no one is going to buy your product nor will they invest their time in your product.

I leave you, my wonderful blog readers, to a piece of mine that I've finished for art that will be displayed in the art show on Sunday. It's titled Live Unique.