Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 7

Spring Break. It didn't really feel like Spring Break for me since I still went to work, but it did give me a chance to take a breather and kind of map out what I need to get done over the next week or two. It's mostly photography. I've said this in my last blog post, but I'll say it again just to keep on top of it: I've aimed to photograph more filler photos of up close and detailed "religious" (I will quote the term now since I've chosen to use a deconstructed definition of the word) symbolism, more church related photos, taekwondo photos and San Xavier Mission photos.

At the Daily Star I showed Rick some photos I've gathered for my final product and he gave me some great feedback. He said that if I were going to be photographing multiple subjects and different "religions" that I should add a filler photo in the beginning of each set of photographs as sort of an introduction. Another thing is that I should photograph the process of how my subject relates to his/her "religion." For example, if I take pictures of Luke at youth group, I should try and get shots of him interacting with others and doing specifically religious things like being in a prayer circle etc.

This pretty much sums up the week.

Oh! Jonathan has contacted me and next week we will be continuing work and coming up with stuff for me to do for my project.

Yeah. So until then!

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