Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 6

Hola! This week went by so fast that I didn't realize it was already Tuesday and I hadn't made a post for last week. But that's alright because to be quite honest, there was no work and nothing new has come up to report. However, I went on Thursday to the UofA library to do some research on the religious philosophies of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and I had found the PERFECT book. Unfortunately, the section the book was located in was having technical issues with the book aisles so I could not access it (or any of the other books of religion that I wanted in that section). Huge bummer.

On Friday I met with Mr. McDonald and Mrs. Napier (or as I will probably always call her, Ms. Stuart) and we had a very successful meeting. My photography is at the top of its game and it can only go up from here. Also, we've ruled that my objective right now with my SRP photos is just to go out and get as many photos as I can and we'll worry about cutting it down and making it work later. I'm instructed to take more church-specific photos and I'm also going to take pictures of my taekwondo classmate and his dedication to the sport (we're starting to play around with the idea of the word religion and what it means to be religious. I've asked my classmate if he was religious and he said to me in all seriousness, "Taekwondo IS my religion.")

One of the many problems I'm facing with the photography is the fact that my classmate will not be present in two weeks and I will not be able to photograph him. Also since we both are preparing for a very important test coming up, it is difficult for me to step away from that and take photographs for my project. Both are very important to me and I don't know just yet what I'm going to sacrifice - an extra day of much needed training or an opportunity for photography.

I'm really nervous and excited for the future of my project, but all seems to be very interesting.

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